I've got a good feeling about this

Monday, November 01, 2004

Anybody But Bush?

In following this year's presidential campaign, I'm struck by two things; the overall animosity towards Bush from the rank and file Democrats, and their willingness to let this affect their electoral prospects.

Clinton received a similar level of opprobrium during two episodes of his tenure in the White House. The first was when he sought to create a universal health system while facing a revitalized Republican Congress. The second time was during the Monica Lewinsky affair. Much of the criticism directed towards Clinton was deserved. On a policy by policy basis, his actions were fair game, but it was disheartening to see the discourse become as personal as it did. Part of our American way of life in that we enjoy tearing someone down after we've built them up.

However, the animus towards Bush, Cheney, and most members of the administration seems to be far more vitriolic. Before he ran for Vice-President, Cheney had been viewed as a well-respected public servant through several administrations, and a term in Congress (representing Wyoming). The change in perception is dramatic now. He is instead villified as cronyism personified.

Bush likewise is attacked for a) being too stupid, b) too clever and conniving. This from someone who was truly bipartisan during his Texas gubernatorial career.

Like their policies or not, the Democrats have decided that anyone but Bush is their goal. Their lukewarm support for Kerry masks their real desire, that of rolling back the changes the Republican party has been able to implement since 1994. I just have one thing to say about the ABB mentality. Be careful what you wish for...


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