Better living through chemistry
My pain pill travails might be finished. Previously I had been prescribed 5mg of Hydrocodone for pain, and this clearly wasn't doing the job in the night time, or in the day time. Today at my appointment with my radiation oncologist, I was in such pain that I couldn't sit still for more than 1-2 minutes. So obviously the 5mg wasn't strong enough.
I had spoken with the nurse at my surgeon's office the day before (to get a refill of the ineffective 5mg Hydrocodone), and she had called it it. Then this morning I decided that enough was enough and called my GP's office to tell my tale of woe. Eventually they prescribed 7.5mg of Hydrocodone for just before bedtime. Hopefully this will knock me out so I can get a real night of sleep.
The funny thing was when I went to pickup all the meds from the pharmacy, the surgeon's office had only prescribed 2.5mg of Hydrocodone, despite me telling them how ineffective 5mg was. A serious disconnect between me and the surgeon's office is clearly evident. If the 7.5mg dosage gives me a good night's sleep, I'm going to raise heck with the surgeon on Thursday. A simple modification to my dosage would have made the last two weeks much more comfortable, and probably sped up my recovery.
Oh well, enough griping.
I would certainly mention this error to the surgeon and let him know how displeased you've been with him. Otherwise, he may continue to treat other patients with the same indifference. You'd be helping others by griping.
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