I've got a good feeling about this

Monday, January 30, 2006

No News is (generally) Good News

I know that a lot of you follow this blog to keep up with my health, and I appreciate this loyal following. Sometimes it's hard to post new stuff when each day seems the same. So if my last post was positive, I'm probably doing okay. During my week off between chemo sessions, I'm so busy that writing often falls by the wayside. And during chemo sessions, well, unless I'm feeling extra crummy, I don't have the energy to post.

It may seem counterintuitive that I post more when I feel bad, but that's how I draw strength from everyone, when I need it the most. Whether you email, phone, or send an old fashioned letter, it's all good. And the same goes for correspondence for Jen. She needs it as much (and oftentimes more) than I do. Although I don't like what I've been going through, I can't imagine how hard it is for her.

So today is the first day of the second to last chemo session. It sucks, but I'm so focused on the endgame (5 weeks left, or 34.5 days) that I'm not going to let it get me down mentally. I think that makes a huge difference in giving me extra strength and motivation to get through the day, to take the infernal pills, and to put one step in front of the other.

I'm listening to my music collection through a Squeezebox. It lets you keep your music on your computer, and streams it to your receiver. I'm so used to using my iPod or car stereo for music that I forget how much better it sounds through a good system. And I also forget how powerful music can be, to make you beam with happiness one moment, then sink in sadness when a song brings back a melancholy poignant memory.




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