I've got a good feeling about this

Friday, November 18, 2005

Sleep, perchance to dream

Well, my pain meds are much better, but I'm still not getting quality sleep. Last night is a perfect example. I take my two pain pills, and my sleeping pill at 10pm. I fall asleep in short order then wake feeling fantastic. Refreshed, energized, etc. Then I look at the clock and see that it's only 12:45am. Less than three hours of sleep!

So, I tossed and turned, trying to fall asleep. Around 4am I took another pain pill, but it didn't make much difference. I probably slept another 45minutes total before getting out of bed.

I had been on Restoril (Temazepam), and decided that a change of scenary was called for. My doc switched me to Xanax and hopefully that will help. Interestingly, a lot of the side effects of Restoril are symptoms I have that I had attributed to surgery. It will be interesting to see if they go away when I switch.

I love sleep. I love it more than eating. I have no idea how insomniacs survive. I sure would have trouble.




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