I've got a good feeling about this

Thursday, November 10, 2005

A Turning point

With the latest set of painkillers, I've finally been able to get decent amounts of sleep the last few nights. I usually go to bed at 7:30, and I'm asleep by 9pm. Invariably I wake up around 1am, then sleep until Jen wakes up for work at 6am. This has made an unbelievable difference in my energy, my enthusiasm, and overall health.

I still run out of steam easily, though eating properly and doing my mini-walks seems to be helping that. My butt still hurts a lot, and the pain seems impervious to painkillers. But it's getting better every day. I think that time will heal that, if I continue to get enough sleep.

I decided to see how hard driving my car was today. This morning before taking my pain meds, I hopped into the old Jetta and took a spin around the block. It was pretty comfortable. I had to sit on a pillow of course, but it was better than being driven by someone else. I guess I could anticipate the bumps and jostling better as a driver.

Hopefully this is one of those turning points I've experienced through my cancer treatment where it just seems like things are markedly better. That'd be nice.




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