I've got a good feeling about this

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Getting Better every day

My post treatment life is getting better every day. I can eat almost anything now short of ice cream, with none of the cold effects. My feet still have a little bit of neuropathy, but it's diminishing daily. Just feels like part of the foot is asleep and tingly. The only side effect is that my stomach is still pretty sore. I think it's because after 5 months of meager eating, I'm eating full meals, and it's not used to that.

I hope my blood work looks better on Monday, as I don't want to have to do any more meds etc. I still have a lingering cold, but nothing out of the ordinary. My fatigue is a bit better too, and I'm sure that as I get more exercise, eat more, and continue to get good sleep, that'll resolve itself.

I never could have made it this far without everyone's help. Literally hundreds of people either sent words of support, prayers, and financial assistance. Thank you all! I'd be remiss if I didn't single out two people however: my wife, and my sister. Lesley, you were there to hear me complain every morning, to listen when I got a bit manic, and to give me a tremendous amount of support when your own hands were full. I can never repay you for it, but I love you for it.

Jen, I know this has been the most difficult year in our lives, and you were always my rock. You never hesitated to give me a swift kick in the pants when I needed it, or a tender kiss and hug when my fears were overwhelming. You instantly became a single mother for 8 months, and did a wonderful job. You never let me see your fears, and never let me take counsel from mine. When I hit rock bottom, you were there to lift me up. I have one goal in life, and that's to make it up to you for the last year.




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