I've got a good feeling about this

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I had my portacath removed this morning, and other than a CT scan and bloodtest in May, I'm done with any treatment. Finally.

It's become harder and harder to write for my blog, as I'm sure many of you've noticed over the last month or so. Writing for a blog (at least for me) followed this path:

1. Wow, people are really interested in me! I'm special! To paraphrase Sally Fields, "y'all really like me."
2. Wow, people are really interested in me... Uh Oh.

It became really hard for me to be totally honest with what I was going through for a variety of reasons. I think that some things are best left private, and this changed as my treatment began to show the light at the end of the tunnel. I also began writing more for Constant Reader (to steal Stephen King's idea) than for myself.

I liked the convenience of keeping people informed about what was going on with me, but I miss the personal side of it. I think that email, though not as intimate as a written letter is still better than standing on a soapbox and shouting "Woe is Me!" to the world. A phone call is worlds apart from a blog or email.

So I began to only post the bare minimum to keep everyone informed. But it just seemed too sanitary, clinical. And fortunately, I don't have those clinical worries anymore.

So, this will probably be my last post here unless I find a different use for the blog. I'd like to thank everyone at the Academy for honoring me by reading my blog, whether it was a daily event (Mom) or a more casual thing. It sure helped me get through the last 8 months.




At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll miss reading about your progress but I am glad to not "have to" anymore...you made it! I am so happy for you Chris! Maybe you can use the blog to chart the progress of your beautiful daughters... :)

See you soon!


At 11:59 AM, Blogger YSuarez said...

I've got ur blogger on "my favorites" and still going to be there!...I am so happy for you and Jen and the girls, this is a new beginning full of love, health and happiness.
God will keep blessing you and ur family!


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