I've got a good feeling about this

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Name Change

The title of my blog used to be "I've got a bad feeling about this..." That's a line from Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back, but I think it might have been confusing people who didn't realize the connection. I like the new title better...




At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I continue to pray for you daily. Your entries help me know how to pray for you. It sounds like the waiting for all the treatment to be over and waiting to hear a favorable outcome is hard. As part of my daily devotions, I read "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers, and recently there have been days that the lessons leave me saying "Chris should read this!" I looked it up on the internet this morning (8-3-05) and found a website that posts the readings so you don't have to have the book. The website is studylight.org . If you go there today, there is a great article titled "Learning to Waiting." After you read that, scroll down to Daily Devotions and click on My Utmost. It will have today's message and you can go to previous messages. July 28th's and july 29's will help you a lot. Each message is short but packed with insight. Sometimes one of his messages is over my head, but sometimes it completely changes my perspective to be more in line with God's perspective. Anyway, enjoy your day despite all the crumby stuff. Oh yeah, I'm glad you changed your title. Even though I knew it was chosen before your diagnosis, I was secretly wishing it was different.

At 2:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chris. I'm here at the Hong Kong airport, waiting for my plane back to San Diego. I've been on the mainland all week and was unable to view your posts. I was really missing them and am glad that the new Hong Kong airport has wireless service. Ana, the kids and I continue to pray for you all, specifically: that the Lord's grace would continue to strengthen you and give you courage in the midst of these struggles. Read Paul's second letter to the Corinthian church, chapter 12:1-9 (2Cor.12:1-9) Love, Mark


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