I've got a good feeling about this

Monday, July 25, 2005

I hate Mondays

Well, the honeymoon with my chemo is over. Last night I began throwing up around 3pm, and diarrhea quickly joined in. Fortunately the vomiting stopped but the diarrhea has persisted until now. I'll try some Immodium AD and see if that helps. To top it off, I'm running a fever now. Hopefully Tylenol will knock it down.

The doctor is a bit concerned about the fever, and if it persists in the morning I'll have to go in and see him. It might be a lowered white blood cell count, or it could just be the flu. Either way, it's not a good thing to have when going through treatment.

I do have to hand it to the folks at the oncology center. They are unfailingly nice, and very considerate of the patients in their care.

So I'm really enjoying these side effects. Depending on how much energy I have, I may miss a day or two in my blog.




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